Thursday, October 9, 2008

Best friends

Sita, Hannah's best friend with Hannah eating 'Icee' after school, in the back of my car.Hannah had a special place for Sita in her heart. She clicked on with Sita, from the day one of Kindergarten. She did not like Sita playing with anyone other than her. Hannah loved climbing 'monkey bars'. Sita did not enjoy this 'sport' as much. One time I asked Hannah, "What does Sita do,when you climb monkey bars?" To which she responded, "oh, I just let her play with the 'other girls' ". I have tried to teach her the importance of associating with all the kids and not just stick to one person alone. She did not seem to understand this concept. To her, Sita was her best friend and no matter what, they were going to be "friends for ever."
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