Monday, October 6, 2008

Gloriously in love!

This is a moment I captured when Abigail was rasing her head and Hannah playing with her. I love this picture because it so depicts the love that Hannah had for her baby sister.

Hannah's love for a sibling was so genuine and endless. She longed for a baby sister of her own. I remember showing her the ultrasound picture when we were 13 weeks along and Hannah exclaiming, "What,.. I have a baby sister?". We had never told Hannah about the pregnancy up until that point. I remember her, praying for a sibling, EVERY night even before the baby was conceived. Hannah rejoiced when the baby was born and I never faced any sibling rivalry at any time. She was my helper, helping me by getting the changing table ready with a diaper opened and the wipes ready to go. She would also boss me, if i forgot to close the lid of the wipes box. When it was time to give baby a bath, Hannah would get her towel, get a new onesie ready and get the tub ready. Once I was so touched by the way she arranged everything, I gave her a special reward for doing it so profesionally. There were also days when Hannah would be so cranky and wouldn't do a thing. But those days were few and I knew she would help me when I told her I needed my helper. Thats what I miss now. Hannah is not around anymore to help me or to play with the baby. It hurts to know what Abigail is missing yet she does not know what she is missing!!
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